Status Panel

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Status Panel Screen  

You can access the Status Panel screen by clicking on the following icon.

You will now see the following screen:

Understanding the Status Panel screen

The Status Panel screen shows which employees are clocked in, which employees are clocked out, and any employees that are recorded as Absent. The screen refreshes itself, but the information is only as up to date as the information it receives. This means that if your system is set up to poll every hourwhich means receive and calculate new clocking information, then the information will be up to an hour old.

The screen is useful for security/reception desks as they can see at a glance if an employee is in the building, or offsite. It feeds from the clocking machine, so it is reliant on employees clocking in/out, otherwise it will not work

Using the Status Panel screen

The Status Panel screen is not editable, however should you need more information, by clicking on the employees name it will open up their Clockcard. The Status screen simply displays the current status of an employee as per their Clockcard.

Green Lamp: The employee is clocked in. The Status screen will also

                             show you the most recent time the employee clocked in

Red Lamp: The employee is clocked out, or has not clocked in.

Sunshine: The Employee has not clocked in because they are on

                           holiday/ annual leave/ vacation

Absence: The employee is has not clocked in due to an absence, for

                              example sick leave, business absence, parental leave etc